He That Winneth Souls Is Wise!: Jesus said to follow Him and become fishers of men! There is no greater role in life.
My heart's desire is to lead you to Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, and then to teach you to go fishing for the rest of your life for
the souls of men!
Prison Meditations by Bunyan Friend, I salute thee in the Lord, And wish thou may'st abound In faith, and have a good regard To keep on holy ground. Thou dost encourage me to hold My head above the flood; Thy counsel better is than gold: In need thereof I stood. Good counsel's good at any time; The wise will it receive, Tho' fools count he commits a crime Who doth good counsel give. I take it kindly at thy hand Thou didst unto me write; My feet upon Mount Zion stand, In that take thou delight. I am indeed in prison now In body, but my mind Is free to study Christ, and how Unto me he is kind. For tho' men keep my outward man Within their locks and bars, Yet by the faith of Christ I can Mount higher than the stars. Their fetters cannot spirits tame, Nor tie up God from me; My faith and hope they cannot lame; Above them I shall be. I here am very much refreshed To think, when I was out I preach...
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